Interesting Facts about Hindi Writing System


Since 1949, the group of Hindi languages has been announced to be official for all the Indian states. Each language has its history and peculiarities. But Hindi can rightly be called one of the languages that have an old and interesting history. Are you going to learn Hindi? You should be ready to spend hours learning its alphabet and distinctive grammar features. Few students manage to succeed in learning the Hindi writing system without extra help. Professional academic writers from Smart Writing Service are always glad to give a helping hand to Hindi learners. You’ll achieve your goal much faster if you get custom writing help online from  experts you can fully rely on. Before you get started, check interesting facts about the Hindi language to have a clear understanding of its distinctive features. 

Over 422 MLN People Speak Hindi

Some people mistakenly think that Hindi doesn’t refer to widespread languages. If you are one of them, you’ll be surprised that according to the statistics over 400 mln people speak Hindi. This number also includes people who speak variations and dialects of Hindi. For over 200 mln people, Hindi is a native language. 

Hindi Is Spoken Not Only in India

Do you hear about Hindi for the first time? It is the 5th popular language in the world. Being an official language in India, it has become widespread in other countries. Hindi has many similar words with English which is the second official language in India. Not everyone knows that these words have originated from Hindi.

There Are Over 40 Dialects in Hindi

48 dialects were announced officially in Hindi. It’s difficult to imagine how many more dialects Hindi has that weren’t declared official yet. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised why it is hard to understand a person who speaks Hindi. Two people who say that they know Hindi may speak different variations and find it difficult to understand each other.

Hindi Is One of 8 Languages Used for Web Addresses

Few know about this fact. Not all languages are used for the creation of web addresses but Hindi entered the number of 8 languages that are used with this aim. So, consider using Hindi if you are going to create a web address.

Hindi Has Many Borrowings from Other Languages

For some people, Hindi seems to be a unique language. But it isn’t so. Nobody knows when exactly Hindi appeared but it’s well-known that it has borrowed much from Sanskrit. Such languages as Arabic, Persian, and European languages have also had a certain impact on the development of Hindi. Therefore, the language has an impressive synonymy and linguistic features that make it difficult to memorize. Few people know that this language is based on the syllabic left-to-right writing Devanagari. 

The alphabet consists of 44 letters, 4 ligatures and 7 letters with a dot, used in the borrowed words. 

Not Everyone Can Master the Technique of Pronunciation

The reproduction of sounds is one of the Hindi peculiarities.  Main differences refer to 

  • The difference in longitude/brevity;
  •  The nasal sign of vowels;
  •  The technique of pronunciation of a number of aspirated consonants. 

It isn’t surprising that all of the above-mentioned peculiarities make it difficult to pronounce the sounds as natives do. 

There Are No Prepositions in Hindi

You will be surprised but prepositions are absent in Hindi. Their syntactic role is played by postpositions following nouns and pronouns in indirect cases, and also attached to infinitives. The implementation of the grammatical connections of the Hindi language mainly occurs through the use of word order and the use of auxiliary words (analytics). 

New Word Forms May Appear Using Morphemes in 5 Cases

The formation of new forms of a word with the help of morphemes (synthetism) in the language is also present and manifests itself in the following cases:

  • For nouns ending in “a” to form a plural form;
  • For converting to oblique and vocative cases;
  • When declension of adjectives with an “a” at the end;
  • In the formation of collective numerals;
  • When changing the verbs of the present tense, participles by gender, etc.

There Are No Clear Boundaries in Hindi Case System 

The Hindi case system has no clear boundaries. However, formally they distinguish between neutral and indirect cases. The vocal was preserved in a residual form. Based on the categories of animate / inanimate, abstraction/concretization of the subject, the addition can stand either in the direct or indirect case. This often creates ambiguity in the interpretation of the content.

Each member of the sentence occupies a fairly clear location: circumstance – subject – addition – predicate. The definition comes before the word being defined. However, stylistic objectives and context sometimes require inversion. Often, the word order helps to distinguish the meaning of a sentence, when both the subject and the direct object are in the form of a direct case.

The Same Word May Have Completely Different Meanings

As in any language, Hindi has many nuances, knowledge of which helps to avoid awkward moments in communication. For example, the concepts “tomorrow” and “yesterday” are designated by one word “Kal”, and “the day after tomorrow” and “the day before yesterday” – “Parso”. There are two forms of the pronoun “you”: “tu” for communicating with children, animals, servants, spouses, and “tum” – when talking with peers.

Hindi + English = Hinglish

Currently, there is a tendency for close interaction between English and Hindi. This happens at both grammatical and lexical levels. “New” language is denoted by the term “Hinglish”. Now, the mix of English and Hindi dominates in cinema, entertainment, advertising, business, education. Hinglish is an integral part of the speech of students and educated Indians.

Hope this information will help you to learn Hindi faster.


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